Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pure Imagination

Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination!
Take a look and you'll see into your imagination!

* * * * *

Another lovely day, but I didn't get to spend much time outside. I finally got my program to work--the one I've been working on for the last month or so. DH and I also spent some time at the university parking office today, swapping his faculty permit ($128/month) for a faculty carpool ($45) and staff carpool ($30) permit. We still get to park in the same place, but for $53 less each month. We should have done this a year ago! (Actually, we probably would have, except we couldn't figure out the carpool-permit requirements from their web site, which is impossible to navigate.)

This afternoon I subbed as rehearsal accompanist for the kids' school musical, Willy Wonka (hence the title of the post). The kids in the show are pretty good, especially when you consider that all who audition are cast. Some of the girls have really nailed their characters (Violet Beauregard and Veruca Salt), while the boys seem a little more self-conscious.

* * * * *

If you want to view paradise,
simply look around and view it!
Anything you want to, do it!
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Burying a pet on a sunny day

Just got back from a dress rehearsal for the S&P concert. Rehearsal went pretty smoothly, although I'm not used to being the "human pitch pipe." We'll see how it goes this weekend--I might back out of that role in the future.

The weather was beautiful today! Before I left to pick up the kids from school, I took Otto (the big tortoise) out of his winter home in the garage, and put him outside to walk around in the sun.

We also buried B's tortoise, Augie, who died while we were on vacation. I was ready to bury her at Grandma's house, but B and M both insisted that we bury the tortoise at our house, on a nice sunny day. So, yes, after Christmas, we drove home from Southern California with a dead tortoise in our cooler. The body has been in the garage freezer since then, waiting for the perfect day.

I spent 1 1/2 hours outside today, pulling up weeds in the back yard. There are two main kinds of weeds in the our back yard: one with rounded, deeply serrated leaves, and one with little round leaves. The ones with little round leaves are usually a pain to pull up, but today was just the right time. The ground was still damp from last week's rains, and the weeds very thoughtfully sprouted flower stalks that made perfect handles for pulling them out of the ground.

Welcome to my blog!

I have no idea why I decided it was time to start a blog, but here it is. Of course, I have nothing particularly interesting to say today. I had lots of stuff last week, but didn't have time to set up a blog :-)

For those of you in the Bay Area, come hear me sing this weekend: